蒙霧升降(ふかききりまとう) 蒙(もう)の霧(きり)が升(ます)のように降りてきて、大地を覆い隠す光景を指します。夏から秋への季節の変わり目に現れるこの候は、涼しさが増し、朝晩の霧が濃厚になるころを示します。稲の穂が重く実る秋の風物詩を感じさせる候でもあります。

英語: The Rise and Fall of Mists (蒙霧升降) In the context of the traditional Japanese calendar’s “72 Sekki,” or seasonal markers, “蒙霧升降” describes the image of mist descending like rising steam, blanketing the earth. This phenomenon occurs during the transition from summer to autumn, signifying cooler temperatures and the intensification of morning and evening mists. This period evokes the poetic sight of ripe rice ears bowing heavily and the ambiance of autumn settling in.