コラム: “きりぎりすとにあり – The Cicada’s Existence”

English Version:
Column: “The Existence of Cicadas – きりぎりすとにあり”
At the cusp of changing seasons, when summer arrives, the Japanese landscape comes alive with a cacophony of sounds. Amidst this symphony, one particular presence signals the advent of summer like no other – the cicada. When one thinks of Japanese summer, the chorus of cicadas is an indispensable component.
Cicadas are an integral part of Japanese summer, deeply ingrained in the country’s culture. Their cries serve as a symbol that heralds the arrival of summer for everyday people, farmers, and the festivities of the season. When the cicadas’ songs are heard, it prompts Japanese people to embrace the heat of summer and celebrate the onset of a new season.
Furthermore, cicada songs frequently find their way into Japanese poetry and literature. Their chirping is often featured in poems and literary works, where it becomes a vital element in expressing the seasons and nature in Japanese literature.
The cicadas’ cries are not limited to Japanese culture; they play a crucial role in environmental conservation as well. Their presence helps maintain ecological balance and contributes to the control of pests. Consequently, cicadas are an essential component of Japan’s ecosystem.
The song of cicadas serves as a significant aspect of Japan’s summer culture, contributing to literature and environmental conservation. Their existence enriches both Japan’s culture and its natural world, marking the arrival of summer and adding depth to the nation’s connection with nature.