タイトル: “霜始降 (しもはじめてふる) – 11月の訪れ”

Title: “Shimo-hajimete-furu: The Arrival of Frost in November”
As November unfolds in Japan, a profound transformation occurs in the landscape. Mornings and evenings grow chillier, and quietly, frost begins to descend upon gardens and the countryside. The name for this season, “Shimo-hajimete-furu,” beautifully encapsulates this natural phenomenon.
Frost is synonymous with autumn in Japan, signifying the arrival of a season of breathtaking beauty. During this time, Japanese landscapes are adorned with the splendor of autumn leaves, painting gardens and parks in vibrant shades of red and yellow. However, it’s when “Shimo-hajimete-furu” arrives that this picturesque scene takes on an even more enchanting aspect.
When frost descends, blades of grass and leaves are instantly gilded in silver, forming exquisite crystals. These crystals reach their zenith of beauty at sunrise, glistening under the gentle touch of the morning sun. Japanese poets and artists have sought to capture this moment in poems and paintings, preserving it for eternity.
The November arrival of frost is the perfect occasion to experience the beauty of Japanese nature and the rhythm of changing seasons. Even though the chill in the air is unmistakable, the beauty of this spectacle warms the heart. It is a time of anticipation, as we await the arrival of a new season.