黄鶯睍睆 (うぐいすなく)
二十四節気の「立春」を過ぎ、次の候である「黄鶯睍睆 (うぐいすなく)」を迎えると、山里ではウグイスが美しくさえずり始めます。
「睍睆 (じょきょう)」とは、美しい声で鳴く様子を表す擬態語。梅の花が咲き始め、まだ寒い日も残る中、ウグイスの透き通った声が春の訪れを鮮やかに告げてくれます。

The Nightingale’s Song: A Sign of Spring
Spring is just around the corner.
After the twenty-four solar term of “Risshun” (立春), the arrival of the next候, “Uguisu Naku” (黄鶯睍睆), marks the beginning of the beautiful chirping of uguisu (鶯), or Japanese bush warblers, in the mountains.
“Jokyō” (睍睆) is an onomatopoeia that describes the melodious sound of their singing. Amidst the blooming plum blossoms and the lingering cold, the clear voices of the uguisu vividly announce the arrival of spring.
The uguisu’s song serves as a declaration of territory by the males and a way to attract mates. Its vibrant sound resonates far and wide, possessing the power to brighten one’s spirit.
Since ancient times, the uguisu has been revered as a symbol of spring. It has been featured in numerous waka and haiku poems, as well as in paintings and handicrafts.
Hearing the uguisu’s song naturally lifts one’s spirits and brings forth an unmistakable sense of springtime joy.