- 例えば、江戸時代の俳人である小林一茶は、
氷解けて 魚のあそぶ 水の音
魚上氷は、厳しい冬が終わ and 春が近づいていることを実感させてくれる季節の移ろいです。
- 暖かい日差しを浴びながら、水面を飛び跳ねる魚たちを眺めるのは、心温まるひとときでしょう。
- また、この時期には、春の魚であるワカサギやサクラマスなどの漁が解禁される地域もあり、旬の魚を味わうこともできます。

Fish Rising on Ice (Uo Koori o Izuru)
- One of the Seventy-Two候 (Sekki), “Fish Rising on Ice” marks the final phase of the Risshun (立春) solar term, which occurs around February 14-18. This候 signifies the gradual thawing of winter’s grip, as ice begins to melt and fish resurface in the water.
A harbinger of spring
As the frozen lakes and rivers start to thaw, small holes appear on the surface. From these openings, fish that have been dormant during the winter emerge and start to move actively, sometimes leaping out of the water. This lively scene vividly portrays the arrival of spring.
A cherished theme in haiku and tanka poetry
“Fish Rising on Ice” has long been a popular subject for haiku and tanka poems.
- For example, the Edo-period haiku poet Issa Kobayashi wrote the following haiku:
氷解けて 魚のあそぶ 水の音
(The ice melts, Fish play, The sound of water.)
This haiku captures the image of fish swimming freely as the ice melts and the refreshing sound of water.
Embracing the joy of spring
“Fish Rising on Ice” is a seasonal transition that reminds us that the harsh winter is coming to an end and spring is drawing near.
- Watching the fish jump and play in the water on a warm day can be a heartwarming experience.
- In addition, this time of year marks the opening of fishing season for certain spring fish species such as wakasagi and cherry salmon in some regions, allowing us to savor the taste of旬(shun) seasonal delicacies.
Appreciating the beauty of nature and enriching our hearts
“Fish Rising on Ice” is one of the Seventy-Two候 that allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature and enrich our hearts. We encourage you to take a moment to observe this unique seasonal phenomenon and fully embrace the arrival of spring.