乃東生 (なつかれくさしょうず)は、二十四節気「冬至」の初候です。12月22日頃から、冬枯れの野の下で、靫草(うつぼぐさ)と呼ばれる植物が芽吹き始める頃を指します。

乃東生 (なつかれくさしょうず) – The Beginning of Winter Solstice
乃東生 (なつかれくさしょうず) is the beginning of the 64th of the 72 seasonal signs in the Japanese lunisolar agricultural calendar. It marks the time when 靫草 (うつぼぐさ), a perennial plant in the mint family, begins to sprout in the cold, barren fields around December 22.
靫草 (うつぼぐさ)
靫草 is also known as 夏枯草 (かこそう), because its leaves wither in the summer. Therefore, 乃東生 is a word that evokes the strength of life that survives the cold of winter.
乃東生 can also be seen as a symbol of hope for the coming of spring, which arrives around the time of the winter solstice.