閉塞成冬 (そらさむくふゆとなる)
閉塞成冬 (そらさむくふゆとなる) は、二十四節気の仲冬の初候です。12月7日頃から12月11日頃にかけての時期を指します。

閉塞成冬 (そらさむくふゆとなる) is the first of the 24 seasonal signs of the Japanese calendar. It occurs from around December 7 to December 11.
During this time, the sky is often covered by heavy clouds, and the cold winter weather sets in. Animals become less active in order to stay warm.
The Japanese word “閉塞” (閉塞) means “to be blocked or closed off.” The Japanese word “冬” (冬) means “winter.”
Therefore, 閉塞成冬 can be interpreted as a description of the winter weather becoming more intense and the sky becoming overcast.
Additional information
閉塞成冬 is a time for people to stay warm and cozy indoors. It is also a time for celebrating the winter holidays, such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
In Japan, it is traditional to eat hearty winter dishes, such as nabe (hot pot) and sukiyaki (thinly sliced beef and vegetables cooked in a sweet and savory broth). People also enjoy drinking warm sake or hot chocolate to warm up.
閉塞成冬 is a beautiful but challenging time of year. It is a time for people to come together and support each other through the cold winter months.