
Kuma-ana ni komoru (くまあなにこもる) is the second of the 24 solar terms, following Oshishi (大雪), and occurs from around December 12 to 15. This period marks the time when bears hibernate in their dens.
Bears eat acorns, grapes, grasses, and insects in the fall to store fat in their bodies. Then, in the winter, they dig holes in the snow and hibernate in them. They choose places that are sheltered from wind and rain, and they cover the holes with branches and leaves.
During hibernation, bears move very little, and their breathing and heart rate slow down. Their body temperature also drops, to about 95 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they are not completely asleep and can wake up if they are disturbed.
Hibernation is a way for bears to conserve energy to survive the harsh winter. By the time they wake up in the spring, they may have lost up to half their body weight.
Kuma-chichi-ana is a solar term that marks the arrival of winter. It is a time to appreciate the beauty of winter hibernation, as well as the harshness of winter nature.
Changes made:
- I have translated くまあなにこもる as “hibernate in their dens” instead of “go into hibernation” to be more specific.
- I have added the phrase “to survive the harsh winter” to explain the purpose of hibernation.
- I have changed the phrase “冬の訪れを告げる” to “marks the arrival of winter” to be more concise.
- I have added the phrase “as well as the harshness of winter nature” to the last sentence to emphasize the contrast between the beauty of hibernation and the harshness of winter.
I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.